Computer Science student, Musician, amateur Conlanger, occasional Radio Amateur, Photographer, and Trainspotter.
The Daniel James Project.
The Amtoen YouTube Channel.
PrJDTh, a side project for electronic music.
The Daniel James Songbook.
The Vazro, Culiini, and NPPL/NPL constructed languages.
genLang - A constructed language generator.
finAuto - A finite automata simulator.
fmm - A Web visualiser for the Functional Machine Calculus.
Drums and percussion
Railway nerdism (HST Gang)
Songwriting and recording
Automata and formal language theory
Functional programming
Discrete mathematics
Constructed languages
Headphones and IEMs
Chinese and Spanish
Amateur radio (Licensed!)
Classic computers and electronics
Telephones and analogue telecommunication
Physical and digital music formats
Acoustic guitar
Electric guitar
Progressive and 60s rock
Thrash metal
Electronic music and synthesisers
Rock climbing
Spanish (European) - Some proficiency
Chinese (Mandarin) - Basic proficiency
Shapatwáka - Loyal scribe
Programming Languages & Feet
Constructed Languages
University Associated Things
Musical Opinions
Headphones & IEMs
Northern Peninsula Proto-Language
NPPL Lexicon
NPPL Sources
The Daniel James Songbook